Puneeta Ranjan

I see, I listen, I fill up my senses, I Paint

Welcome to my world

Art comes naturally to me . I have a deep fascination for Nature and that we are made of the same things as trees , the oceans and the stars . I express this love by transforming the familiar into lyrical rhythms of play of colours creating works that are sometimes contemplative or are joyful , whimsical and peaceful . I am also inspired by people, connectivity and travel . Music and poetry play a significant role in influencing my thoughts . My art comes out as a visible voice that starkly questions how we think and who we are . Experimenting with different media and working fluidly in contrasting styles I try constantly to reinvent and evolve myself . I see the world not as it is but as it could be , if only we believe in kindness, love and a little bit of magic .